Work 360 Features

Geo-tagging enables tracking of employees at all times while checked-in to ensure they are where they claim they are.

Make your attendance system quick, reliable and error free.

Highly secure with built in facial recognition and geo-tagging.

Emergency alerts to the management based on activities.

Easy payroll management of each individual employee.

Zero installation expenses and no additional equipment needed.

Solution can be deployed instantaneously without delay.

Real time sales and performance management built in.

Seamless transition from previously existing systems.

Faq's About Work 360

Geo-tagging enables tracking of employees at all times while checked-in to ensure they are where they claim they are.

Android and IOS

Data of unlimited number of employees can be integrated and managed.

As of now we have limited it to 5 management logins and this number can be increased on clients request.

Yes. complete data can be exported to excel and any other text format supported output softwares.

Yes. Each segregation can be done with separate credentials for security reasons.